Innovative Architectural Vision

Providing a complete range of traditional architectural services, Brian Lathrop, Architect & Architecture For Health, provides state-of-the-art medical space programming, architectural design and construction documents. Every project is given the full attention of the company's principal architect and founder to assure a successful outcome. All projects start with comprehensive budgeting and financial analysis (PROJECT ANALYSIS) so that fees are not wasted pursuing a direction that isn't financially feasible.

Unique Approach: Good Design Should Minimize Need For More Staff As You Grow

It has long been believed in the medical design field that if the design will make the most highly paid employee (the physician) more efficient, then everything else will take care of itself. This concept brought the advent of the "pod system". The problem with this concept is that it can work against the sharing of personnel. One look at your revenue and expenses, however, will tell you that staffing costs are the biggest drain on the medical practice bottom line. At architecture For Health we utilize concepts that centralize staff so that you can do more with less people. Savings in this area alone can easily pay for our fees and year in and year out go a long way toward paying for a new building.

When you want a Palm Coast architecture firm that not only understands your vision but how your medical practice works, Brian Lathrop, Architect & Architecture For Health is the answer. Contact us at (386) 449-7772.

Brian Lathrop, Architect & Architecture For Health 3D Rendering